Thursday, September 18, 2008

An Early Celebration

So my 21st Birthday isn't till Saturday but... Helen and Larry were heading out of town to Utah today so last night we had a big family get together. For dinner we had Salsa Chicked (one of my favorites that Helen makes) with my favorite Salad. Helen bought me a couple peices of cheesecake (which was an extra treat because no one else in the family really likes it) and...made an excelent dessert for everyone else. I had told her that I wanted ice cream with chocolate chip cookies becuase I'm not the hugest fan of cake. She made everyone a cookie ice cream cake dipped in crunchy chocolate. It was soo good!

After dessert we opened presents. Laren bought me a couple pairs of jeans and 3 different shirts. Crystal and Seth surprised me with a little spa basket that had really cute nail polish put all together in a new make-up bad. Brynn and Casey fulfilled a desire I have been having for a while by buying me a meat pounder ( I know sounds weird but you should see the variety of different utensiles I have been pounding chicken with the last year to make dinner) along with an emergency purse kit. Helen and Larry really surprised me by getting me 2 new bags (a maxx new york bad and a cute new red school bad) 2 jackets, 5 shirts, and a really cute church dress.

Crystal helping me figure out how to open her gift

The bag below is the exact one Helen and Larry bought me

I am pleased to say that this was a special birthday.... even though it isn't for 2 more days!


hmmm said...

well happy birthday! how fun!!!
(love the bag.)

Casey and Brynn said...

I am glad I could fulfill your long time desire! :)

Nikki said...

I missed your birthday! Sorry! But your hair looks AWESOMEEEEEEEE and I miss and love you. Please let me know if you're ever down in Utah!