Wednesday, August 6, 2008


It's time to get serious now that school is over are we are back in Colorado. We're heading back to work! We are so grateful that we were able to get our jobs back at Nordstrom. We both got the call yesterday. I had my first day today and Laren starts tomorrow. That place really is a blessing!!! This year Laren will be working at the Rail (it will be a big change seeing as last year he worked in women's shoes) and I will be working in B.P. We are so excited!!! Not only do we get to work around amazing people but we are around what we seem to love most...clothes! We can't really complain about the money either....GO NORDSTROM!!!!


hmmm said...

yay! congrats on the job guys. I was just in Nordstrom last week and couldn't help myself..... (B.P. gets me EVERY time.)

SeƱor Turnbaugh said...
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Casey and Brynn said...

I like the picture of you and Tytan! Now you need a picture of your cute new haircut!