Sunday, June 1, 2008


Yesterday(after completeing a business law test that I didn't read a single chapter for) Laren and I decided that fishing would be a great way to enjoy the one day of sunshine we have had here in Rexburg for a long time. He has wanted to go for a while anyways. We went down to K-Mart because we heard that the lady there will give out-of-state people fishing licences if they say that they are in the process of claiming residnency. (That didn't work to well because the store manager was the one who ended up ringing us up) So we bought Laren a day-pass and then headed out to find where we were going to fish. We found this little place that is off the Snake River that a lot of locals fish at. Laren caught a fish with his second cast we had only been there like 5 minutes... it was a pretty big one too. You can see what my fishing consists of from the picture. We tried cooking it for dinner that night but we soon realized that neither one of us really knew how to felet at fish. We ended up with scales everywhere, hardly any meat, and a lot of fish guts in our kitchen. sounds fun huh?

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