Saturday, March 28, 2009


I have made a commitment to do my best to update our blog more frequently… So here it goes!!!

Laren and I have been so incredibly busy this year (hence why there have been no new posts since November). As most of you know we are back in Idaho attending school. Laren is taking a ton of credits, including one extremely hard architecture class, and I am taking the integrated business core this semester.

We are so ready to graduate. ONLY TWO MORE SEMESTERS!!! We are also so tired of Rexburg. The cold and snow really do start to wear on you after a while. On a better note, summer is approaching which means... warm weather, lots of scooter riding, and Laren playing baseball.

We do have quite a bit coming up in these next few weeks as well. On Monday (2 days from now) Laren has his preliminary evaluation for a library he has been designing all semester... WISH HIM LUCK!!! We are spending the next weekend in Sun Valley Idaho as a resort with my father. The Thursday after we come home we finish up the semester and then head to SLC to pick up my mom (I haven't seen her in what seems like forever). She will be visiting us for 5 days and then the day after she leaves Laren's parents are coming into town.



Crystal said...

It does sound like you guys are super busy. I hope that all the work pays off for both of you!

Casey and Brynn said...

Wow, crazy college life! I am happy you get to see your parents. And I happy you have a new post finally! We miss you.